External Threats
QRI helps organizations protect their brands from data breaches, counterfeits and grey market goods, and cyber attacks. We support issuers who are facing proxy fights and hostile takeovers. And we help companies unmask patent asserting entities.
Case Studies
Case Study 1
To augment a public company’s defense during a proxy contest, QRI found evidence that an activist shareholder’s proposed directors were not fit to serve on a board. We obtained European corporate records and financial statements showing that one of the nominees had not disclosed that his family-owned retail business was insolvent. Another nominee had failed to disclose she had been sanctioned by FINRA and had an interest in an LLC with another “independent” nominee.
Case Study 2
After a patent asserting entity sued our client, a technology firm, our investigation proved the plaintiff was likely a troll. We gathered evidence that the company’s office was temporary and staffed by a skeleton crew of part-time employees. In addition, we found buried in archived court records a deposition in which a former executive admitted his core strategy was to initiate baseless infringement litigation.